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Dianne LaPointe Rudow, United States

Director of the Zweig Family Center for Living Donation
Recanati Miller Transplantation Institute
Mount SInai Hosptial

Dr. LaPointe Rudow joined the Mount Sinai Team in April 2010 after a career at Columbia University Medial Center where she started the Liver Transplant Program in 1998. She has been instrumental in growing their liver transplant program and developed their living donor advocacy team to evaluate and mange live liver donors. She joined RMTI to develop and director The Center for Living Donation where she will expands her vision to encompass comprehensive care for liver and kidney donors, making it the first of its kind to provide innovative expertise in the medical, surgical, and psychological health before and after live donation. Dr. LaPointe Rudow has published and presented on live donor advocacy both nationally and internationally. Additionally she has served on many boards and committees on transplantation.

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