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Gene Sung, United States

Director, Neurocritical Care
University of Southern California

Dr. Sung is Director of Neurocritical Care and Stroke at the University of Southern California. He is a recognized international leader in both fields of stroke and neurocritical care. He was a founding member of both the international Neurocritical Care Society (and a Past-President), the Western States Stroke Consortium and the LA Stroke Society. He is also a founder of the journal Neurocritical Care and a past associate editor. Furthermore, he has had leadership roles in many national organizations, including the American Academy of Neurology, American Stroke Association and the National Stroke Association and has published and reviewed articles for many journals and has been an invited lecturer in conferences throughout the world.
Dr. Sung’s research interests include stroke outcomes, critical care management of stroke, intracranial pressure, cerebral reperfusion, and hypothermia. He is the principal investigator for several investigator-initiated and industry-sponsored translation research projects and he recently received funding to examine outcomes in telemedicine delivery of stroke care.

Presentations by Gene Sung

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