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David M. Shaw, Switzerland

Senior Researcher

Dr David Shaw has a PhD in Bioethics and Masters degrees in philosophy and medical law, and is recognised internationally as an expert in his field. He has written on a wide variety of topics in bioethics and beyond, but his main current foci are the ethics of organ donation and research ethics/scientific integrity. He is involved in teaching National Health Service Blood & Transplant staff in the UK, and also teaches research integrity at the Biozentrum at the University of Basel. Dr Shaw is author of the book Genetic Morality (Peter Lang, 2006) and has written more than 100 peer-reviewed articles for leading ethical, medical and science journals. These include the Lancet, JAMA, the BMJ, PLOS One, the Journal of Public Health, EMBO Reports, Bioethics and the Journal of Medical Ethics. His BMJ paper “The Ghost of Donor Passed” has been adapted for use as a poster in intensive care units in the UK, and dramatized on radio in the UK. Dr Shaw makes several media appearances every year, most recently on the subject of cryonic storage and revival after death. He has been a guest on BBC Radio Scotland and BBC World Service, and he has been profiled in NZZ and Tages Anzeiger. Dr Shaw is a member of the ethics committee of the British Transplantation Society and a member of the Deceased Donation Working Group of the European Society for Organ Transplantation’s Ethical, Legal and Psychological Aspects of Transplantation section. He was previously a member of the UK Donation Ethics Committee and was lead author of its report of the role of the family in donation. In his previous role at the University of Glasgow, he chaired the research ethics committee of the College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences, and he is also an associate member of EUREC, the association of European research ethics committees.

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