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Valeria R. Mas, United States

The Univeristy of Tennessee, Health Science Center

 Dr. Mas is currently the Surgical Sciences Division Chair at University of Maryland. She is the former Director and Founder of the Transplant Research Institute at University of Tennessee Health Science Center, former Director of the Molecular Transplant Research Laboratory at University of Virginia, and previously, she was the Director of the Transplant Genomics Laboratory at Virginia Commonwealth University.She has been conducting studies in genomics related to kidney and liver transplant recipients during the last 18 years. Her research projects are mainly focused to: (1) evaluate the molecular pathways that associate with graft fibrosis development and loss of function post-kidney transplantation, (2) test the effects of organ donor biology in short- and long-term outcomes post-transplantation, and (3) identify early biomarkers that distinguish those organs at high risk of post-transplant dysfunction. Dr. Mas has been funded by federal and non-federal agencies since 2003. She is a active NIH reviewer and member of PBKD study section. She is Associate Editor of American Journal of Transplantation and Transplantation Journals. She is an active member and part of executive commitee of multiple commitees at AST, ILTS, and TTS. She has more than 100 peer reviewed publications and she has mentored multiple undergrad, graduate, fellows and young faculties in transplant immunology and genomics. She is a Councilor at the International Liver Transplant Society.

Sessions chaired by Valeria R. Mas

When Session Room
14:30 - 15:15
Oral Abstracts Session — Education Abstract Session Channel 8


Committee Role Section
Scientific Program Committee: Education Co-Chair

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