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377 - Workshop Session
Global Strategies for Facilitating Ethical Practices in Organ Transplantation

Tuesday September 15, 2020 | 13:00 to 14:45
Room: Channel 3
Track: Ethics, Community and Economics

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Prof. Riadh Fadhil, Qatar
Resident minorities Access to organ donation and transplantation – Middle-East

Beatriz Domínguez-Gil, Spain
Non-resident access to transplantation and impact on local lists – Europe

Alejandro Niño Murcia, Colombia
Organ transplantation for refugees: The Latin American case

Prof. Richard Allen, Australia
Developing programs in resource constrained areas – Vietnam

Prof. Vivek Kute, India
Combating paid donation in India

Benita Padilla, Philippines
Combating paid donation in the Philippines

Peter G. Stock, United States
Transplanting the undocumented in the USA

Seyed Ali Malek Hosseini, Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Strategies for increasing deceased donation in Iran

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