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110 - Symposium
Transplanting in the Era of COVID-19

Sunday September 13, 2020 | 00:00
Room: Pre-Recording Release Time
Track: N/A

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The session will be pre-recorded and we will have live Q&A on the last day of the congress (sessions 403 - 443 and 478).


Thomas D. Mone, United States
Donor Screening and the Risk of Virus Transmission

Prof. Paolo Antonio Grossi, Italy
When a Recipient with COVID-19 Can Proceed to Transplant

Jingyu Chen, People's Republic of China
Lung Transplantation for COVID-19

Jean C. Emond, United States
Transplantation in the Hot Zone

Peter G. Stock, United States
Transplantation and Ethical Issues in the COVID Era: Doing the right thing depends on location, resources and disease burden

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  • Dear Jean C. Emond
    I have enjoyed your presentation , the message I took from your conclusion is that since COVID will likely remain to be endemic disease resuming transplantation should be considered. I live IN Ethiopia Eastern Africa, We started our first live donor Kidney transplant center in the country in 2015.
    We have a very strict criteria of selection in this related only LDKT since we dont have so much of the guagets and medications to manage the complications after transplantation. We have stopped completely transnplantation services ( used to be up to four cases a month) Because of Covid 19 since March. It seems that the newly diagnoed COVID cases are peaking up now.
    What do you suggest about resuming and when?
    What id the experience in New York , the rest of US and else where9 Would be greatful if you have resources


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