Curie Ahn C Ahn, Korea

Internal Medicine/Nephrology
National Medical Center

Curie Ahn, MD, PhD is a nephrologist from Seoul, Korea with a special interest in transplantation.

While at Seoul National University as a nephrology professor, she established CKD cohort and the KOTRY (Korean Organ Transplantation Registry), a national cohort to provide clinical research basis in Korea. Internationally, Dr. Ahn is an executive council member of Women in Transplantation (WIT) and the Declaration of Istanbul Custodian Group (DICG) of the Transplantation Society.

Currently she is the President of the Korean Xenotransplantation Association (KXA) and was a Councilor in the International Xenotransplantation Association (IXA) and the Chairperson of the Korean Society for Transplantation.

She leads life sharing cultural activities at the Vitallink and as a founder of Raphael International, an NGO since 1997, she’s been actively engaged for clinical capacity building in nephrology and transplantation in Bangladesh, Mongolia, Myanmar and Viet Nam. 

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