Nicole Turgeon, United States

Division Chief, Transplant Surgery, Department of Surgery and Perioperative Care
Dell Medical School
The University of Texas in Austin

Nicole Turgeon, M.D., FACS, is chief of the Division of Transplant Surgery and a professor in the Department of Surgery and Perioperative Care. Turgeon is a kidney and pancreas transplant surgeon and serves as chief of abdominal transplant surgery at Dell Seton Medical Center. Turgeon comes to Dell Medical School from Emory University, where she served as director of the living donor program and pancreas transplant program at the Emory Transplant Center and surgical director of the kidney transplant program at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. She trained in general surgery at the University of Massachusetts and subsequently completed a multi-organ transplantation fellowship at the University of Wisconsin. As professor of surgery, Turgeon’s academic interests include living kidney donation and paired kidney exchange; organ donation and utilization; adult and pediatric renal transplantation; and pancreatic transplantation. She has served as an investigator and PI on numerous grants funded by the National Institutes of Health and other organizations. Her research has appeared in a number of nationally and internationally recognized research journals including the American Journal of Transplantation. Turgeon was an active participant in the organ procurement organization in Georgia, serving as an assistant medical director at LifeLink of Georgia. She has a strong commitment and interest in serving and leading the transplant community through United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) regional and national committee participation. She has been a member of the UNOS Kidney Committee since 2012 and served as chair from 2017 to 2019. She is currently serving as vice chair of the Policy Oversight Committee. Since 2005, Turgeon has been active in the American Society of Transplantation and has participated in a number of leadership roles including service as a member of the board of directors from 2016 to 2019.

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