P-6 - Poster Session
Ethics, Community and Economics / Declaration of Istanbul

Wednesday September 16, 2020 |
Room: E-Poster Hall
Track: Ethics, Community and Economics


Dr. Emma K. Massey, Netherlands
Global kidney exchange: Opportunity or exploitation? An ELPAT-ESOT appraisal

Dr. Vasanthi Ramesh M.S., FALS, India
Paired kidney exchange - Is it free of ethical conundrums?

Prof. Carlos E. Pregno, Argentina
Bioethics, transplantation and gender: Some reflections on uterus transplantation

Dr. Rashikh A Choudhury, United States
Early intensive medical therapy for type 1 diabetic patients associated with reduced long-term costs and improved survival

Prof. Hongxia Liu, People's Republic of China
Frailty and associated factors in Chinese renal transplant recipients

Ms. Constance Chui Wan Lee, Singapore
The psychosocial impact of living kidney donation among asian kidney donors in Singapore

Dr. Leyla Asena, Turkey
The effect of corneal transplantation on visual function and vision-related quality of life

Dr. Emma K. Massey, Netherlands
Promoting medication adherence and self-management among kidney transplant recipients (mars-trial): Development and first experiences

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