201 - Workshop Session
Design of Xenotransplantation Clinical Trials

Sunday September 13, 2020 | 18:00 to 19:30
Room: Channel 2
Track: Xenotransplantation


Dr. Chang Ho Yoon, Korea

Dr. Kwang-Won Kim, Korea
Naked islets

Prof. Shinichi Matsumoto, Japan
Encapsulated islets

Alfred Joseph Tector, United States


  • Answer to Dr. Cowan. Thank you for your question. Based on the results to date, immunosuppressants for corneal xenotransplantation should be used more strongly than those used for corneal allotransplantation (for both T and B cells). Only anti-CD40 Ab- or anti-CD20 Ab/tacrolimus- based immunosuppressive regimen showed efficacy in preclinical study using NHPs. Therefore, in our clinical trial, anti-CD20 Ab/tacrolimus based immunosuppressive regimen will be used.

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