N17 - Zoom Virtual Networking Room
New Technologies Applied to Organ Donation

Wednesday September 16, 2020 | 02:00 to 03:30
Room: Networking 2
Track: N/A


Moderator: Estephan Arredondo (Spain)
Technological developments in healthcare have saved countless patients and are continuously improving their quality of life. Furthermore, technology has had a massive impact in the medical field on nearly all processes and practices of healthcare professionals, organ donation and transplantation are not the exception.
The objective of this session is to offer to the transplant network an up-to-date session regarding how new technologies could assist their daily work regarding the deceased organ donation and transplantation process.
This session will be divided in 5 topics, allocating specific time for each group (one after the other) to cover all the content listed below:

1. Telemedicine platforms 8 am (CEST)

Dr. Jordi Colomer (Spain)
DTI advisor

Estephan Arredondo (Spain)
Director Tissues and Cells Unit
DTI Foundation

2. Robotics 8.10 am (CEST)

Dr. Mireia Musquera (Spain)
Urology Department
Hospital Clinic de Barcelona

Jorgina Díaz (Spain)
Director of Digital Business Development Alysis

Dr. Marián Irazábal (Spain)
Intensive Care Medicine
International Project Coordinator DTI Foundation

Dr. Carles Ferrando (Spain)
Intensive Care Medicine, Hospital Clinic de Barcelona

3. Management software 8.35 (CEST)

John Piano (USA)
Chief Executive Officer
Transplant Connect

Antonio Gonçalves (Portugal)
Jam HUB Solutions

Dr. Margarida Ivo (Portugal)
National Transplant Coordinator
Instituto Português de Sangue e da Transplantação

Dr. Elsayed Gadalla (KSA)
Medical Coordinator
Saudi Center Organ Transplantation

4. Database & Artificial Intelligence 9.00 am (CEST)

Sergio Monteagudo (Spain)
Lead IT Consultant
Biomedical Research Clinic Foundation

Dr. Haibo Wang (China)
Director, China Organ Transplant Response System.

5. Normothermic perfusion machines 9.15 am (CEST)

Prof. Peter Mc Donald (Australia)
Cardiologist in the Cardiopulmonary Transplant Unit at St Vincent’s Hospital.
Co-head of the Transplantation Research Laboratory at the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute.

Pedro Moreo (Spain)
General Director

Víctor Alastrué (Spain)
Technical Director

Prof. Feng Huo (China)
Director Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery and Liver Transplantation Center.
General Hospital of Southern Theater Command.

Dr. Constantino Fondevila (Spain)
Head of Hepatology Department
Hospital Clinic de Barcelona

Francisco Gahete (Sweden)
Training and technical advisor
XVIVO Perfusion AB

Anne Sophie GOUR (France)
Manager for Vitalpack French Market

Justin Pascal
Sales Teams


** The suggested schedule is only indicative and could be adapted in any case based on each session dynamics.


Dr. Jordi Colomer, Spain
1. Telemedicine platforms 8 am (CEST)

Estephan Arredondo, Spain


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