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Sex in the Time of SARS-CoV-2 – Relevance to transplantation

Tuesday September 15, 2020 - 00:15 to 02:00

Room: Channel 4

Amanda Vinson, Canada

Associate Professor
Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine
Dalhousie University & Nova Scotia Health Authority


Dr. Amanda Vinson received her medical degree from the University of British Columbia and completed Internal Medicine, Nephrology and a subsequent Renal Transplant fellowship at Dalhousie University. She went on to complete a Master’s Degree in Clinical Epidemiology at the Harvard Chan School of Public Health.  Dr. Vinson joined the Dalhousie Division of Nephrology in 2017 as a clinician-researcher.  Her research interests include studying predictors of kidney graft and patient survival following transplant, with a focus on kidney donor allocation protocols and strategic matching of donors and recipients to maximize outcomes.  She has a special interest in the effects of sex and gender in kidney transplantation and has participated on an NIH panel discussing issues related to this topic. 

Presentations by Amanda Vinson

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