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IPITA Educational Modules

Tuesday September 15, 2020 - 14:30 to 15:15

Room: Networking 7

Hussein Khambalia, United Kingdom

Consultant Transplant Surgeon
Manchester Royal Infirmary


Mr Hussein A Khambalia is a Consultant Transplant and General surgeon and the Islet Transplant lead at The Manchester Royal Infirmary and an Honorary Lecturer at The University of Manchester. He trained in Manchester and at Guy’s Hospital, London. His sub-specialty clinical interests include beta-cell replacement, paediatric transplantation and enhanced recovery after transplantation. He completed his PhD, studying peri-operative optimisation and assessment in pancreas transplantation at The University of Manchester. His current research interests include peri-operative pancreas allograft assessment and pancreas transplant recipient optimisation and assessment. He currently Chairs the IPITA, Young Investigators Committee and is the Founder and Trustee of KCA (Kidney Care for Africa, @KidCareAfrica), a charity, which aims to train local medical personnel and provide expertise to improve access to renal replacement therapies for people in Africa.

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