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Education Abstract Session

Wednesday September 16, 2020 - 14:30 to 15:15

Room: Channel 8

482.1 Analysis of the effects of coordinator mental health management program

Kyungsook Jang, Korea

Public relation team
Korea Organ Donation Agency(KODA)


Analysis of the effects of coordinator mental health management program

Kyungsook Jang1, Dahye Park1.

1Public Relation, Korea Organ Donation Agency, Seoul, Korea

Background and Purpose: The coordinator who works at the front line of the donation has to put a lot of pressure on the work because the coordinator must explain the donation and get their consent to the stressed family. In addition, they should standby for 24 hours on normal days and they cannot leave the spot for 2 nights and 3 days when managing brain death. Also, they should coordinate with other organization. Therefore, their duty stress is increasing. The donor mental health management program aims to prevent tissue recovery technician’s burnout and frequent turnover by managing their mental health, and ultimately to increase donation related work efficiency.
Method: We measured the stress rate, depression rate (CES-D), and coping ability. We also examined the recovery rate from the depression category to the normal category supported by the expert from the Chuncheon Hospital.
Result: In 2019, 82 coordinator participated in the program and we observed the aspect of transition. The recovery rate was 13% in 2017 and 26% in 2018, but fell slightly to 22.6% in 2019, the recovery rate was higher than average. In 2019, the mental health management program was operated with various programs such as forest healing, emptying sword, color therapy, meditation, and talk concerts so that they were able to relax their mind and body. In-depth consultations with mental health specialists were also offered upon voluntary application. Stress rate improved somewhat from average 6.82 (before the program) to 6.1 (after the program). CES-D is an index indicating the depressive scale and is judged as normal depression below 15, mild depression below 24, and severe depression above 25. Among the participants, 49.5% were normal and 50.5% had mild or severe depression. The recovery rate of the depressed to the normal was 22.6%, suggesting that the program was effective. 15.8% among the participant had a Consultation with a mental health specialist. The three-year recovery rate has gradually improved.
Conclusion: There was no serious patient that required treatment, but there were participants who showed severe depression and high stress index. continuous management and observations as well as adjustment of work seems to be necessary.

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