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How Sex Impacts Post-Transplant Course

Tuesday September 15, 2020 - 15:15 to 17:00

Room: Channel 3

392.3 Sex and the heart: Major cardiovascular events in transplantation

Darshana Dadhania, United States

Associate Professor
Division of Nephrology and Hypertension
Weill Cornell Medical Center


Dr. Darshana Dadhania is an Associate Professor of Medicine at Weill Cornell Medicine and is the Medical Director of the Kidney-Pancreas Transplant Program at New York Presbyterian Hospital. She received her M.D. from University of Medicine and Dentistry from New Jersey and her training in medicine, nephrology and transplant medicine at New York Presbyterian Hospital-Weill Cornell Medicine. She completed her Masters in Clinical Investigation in 2009 at Weill Cornell Medicine and is actively engaged in developing diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers for renal allograft dysfunction. She is a productive investigator and is currently the PI for NIH sponsored study protocol on APOL1 and metagenomic profiling of cell-free DNA. She is the Past Chair of the Kidney Pancreas Community of Practice and has co-chaired the American Society of Transplantation consensus conference on frailty and heart-kidney transplantation. She organized and chaired the AST consensus conference on Improving Cardiovascular Care of Solid Organ Transplant Recipients on November 6, 2019. She will be speaking about Sex and the heart: Major cardiovascular events in transplantation at the TTS 2020 meeting.

Presentations by Darshana Dadhania

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