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Managing Immunosuppression When Things Go Wrong

Monday September 14, 2020 - 08:15 to 10:00

Room: Channel 2

261.1 Managing IS in recipients with a failing graft

Sangho Lee, Korea

Division of Nephrology
Kyung Hee University Hospital at Gangdong


Prof. Sangho Lee is interested in the role of innate immunity and how this contributes to kidney injury, but also has been doing a lot of research on the development of indexes for predicting the rejection after kidney transplantation.
Since 2005, he has been working as a Professor in Nephrology at Kyung Hee University. He also studied Omics research in kidney transplantation at Stanford University as a visiting scholar (2009-2010). Sangho has been working as director of ARTKT trial, ongoing Omics research in kidney transplantation field, through Korea's governmental support since 2012.
He is a council member of Korean Society of Transplantation, an Associate Editor of the journal 'Kidney Research and Clinical Practice' and the vice chair of the Asian Transplant Week (ATW) Science committee and a host country liaison committee for the 2020 TTS Seoul meeting.

Presentations by Sangho Lee

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