Universal Time: 09:28  |  Local Time: 09:28 (0h GMT)
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Room: Channel 3

422.4 Nursing ethics in organ donation and transplantation


Melanie Robinson, CEO of CATSINaM

Mel Robinson, appointed as CEO of CATSINaM in February 2019, has worked in diverse roles in nursing over the past 30 years, including clinical practice, education, and policy. Her priorities at CATSINaM include growing the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nurses and midwives, ensuring the workforce is strongly supported, advocating for members, engaging with national policy development, and building strong partnerships across government and non-government sectors. Mel who has cultural connections to the Gidja and Ngarinyin people of the Kimberley in Western Australia, is also passionate about supporting young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Having grown up on Gibb River Station on Ngallagunda community before moving to Derby as a young girl, she has a connection with the particular health challenges faced by rural and remote communities. Mel has a deep personal understanding of the impacts of colonisation, including having family members affected by Stolen Generations policies. Through her professional and own family’s experiences, Mel has seen many examples of institutional and interpersonal racism contributing to poor health outcomes and inequitable access to healthcare. During her career, Mel has worked at hospitals in Derby, Fitzroy Crossing and Perth, as well as aged care services in Derby and Dublin, Ireland. Mel has also worked as a nurse educator at Marr Mooditj Training, and in policy in the Western Australian Department of Health. She completed a Masters in Nursing Research at the University of Notre Dame Australia in 2018.
Follow Mel on Twitter: @MelRuss72

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