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Expanding the Gift of Life: Optimizing deceased donor allografts

Tuesday September 15, 2020 - 00:15 to 02:00

Room: Channel 5

320.3 Accepting deceased donor kidneys: Do Country and Center specific approaches make a difference?

Kate Wyburn, Australia

Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and The University of Sydney


Kate Wyburn is a full time Senior Staff Specialist Nephrologist and Director of Kidney Transplantation at The Royal Prince Alfred Hospital Sydney, the current Chair of the NSW Transplant Advisory Committee and member of the National Renal Transplant Advisory Committee. She is the Chair of The Solid Organ Transplantation working group of The National IVIG Governance Advisory Committee for the National Blood Authority Australia. She has been a Senior Lecturer at The University of Sydney since 2007 and a Clinical Associate Professor since 2013. She undertook her PhD at Sydney University and was an NH&MRC PhD scholar. She is a member of The Kidney Node at The Charles Perkins Centre at The University of Sydney and her current areas of research include antibody mediated rejection and donor specific antibodies, blood group incompatible transplantation, and organ donation suitability.

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