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P-7 - Poster Session

Room: E-Poster Hall
Track: Histocompatibility


Mr. Muhammad A Khurram, United Kingdom
Medium to long term impact of pre transplant DSA on allograft outcomes in deceased donors transplants

Mr. Efstratios Kasimatis, Greece
Prospective de novo DSA monitoring in renal transplant patients

Dr. Angeliki G. Vittoraki, Greece
Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor Antibodies: Risk for rejection and impaired graft function

Dr. Seong Gyu Kim, Korea
Impact of delayed graft function on highly sensitized patients in deceased donor kidney transplantation

Anne Halpin, Canada
Assessment of ABO-histocompatibility: Modernizing ABO antibody detection tools for use in transplantation

Dr. Samy M Riad, United States
Impact of induction regimen, human leukocyte antigen mismatches and steroid maintenance on recipient and graft survival with different glomerulonephridities

Christian Unterrainer, Germany
Can epitope matching outmatch traditional HLA matching?

Prof. Jong Cheol Jeong, Korea
Predictability of eplet mismatch to acute rejection in low level HLA antigen mismatched kidney transplantation: Validation analysis of Korean Organ Transplantation Registry (KOTRY) data

Ms. MIMI JANG, Korea
Evaluation of a novel ultra-high-resolution assay and analytic software for next generation sequencing based genotyping of 11 human leukocyte antigen loci

Mr. Efstratios Kasimatis, Greece
Tregs monitoring before and after renal transplantation

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