Jianing Fu, United States

Columbia Center for Translational Immunology
Columbia University Medical Center

Dr. Jianing Fu received her BS (2008) and MS (2010) on Pharmaceutical Sciences and Chemical Biology from Peking University, and PhD (2015) on Cancer Biology and Immunology from University of South Florida and H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center. She joined Dr. Megan Sykes’s lab at the Columbia Center for Translational Immunology (CCTI) at Columbia University in 2015 and is now an Associate Research Scientist. Dr. Fu’s research is aimed at decoding the bidirectional alloreactivity after intestinal transplantation and investigating the phenotype and function of gut hematopoietic stem cells and progenitors, with the ultimate goal of eliminating graft rejection by inducing long persistent blood mixed chimerism. Her work has been selected for oral presentations 12 times in international and national meetings since she joined CCTI. Dr. Fu received multiple awards from the Transplantation Society (TTS), including the Young Investigator Scientific Award (2016) and the International Transplantation Science Mentee-Mentor Awards (2017, 2018). She published >25 research articles and reviews in peer-reviewed scientific journals, including Cell Stem Cell, Journal of Immunology, Blood and Journal of Clinical Investigation. She recently received the Discovery Award from Department of Defense (2019) and the Nelson Family Faculty Development Award from Columbia University (2020), with the role of Principal Investigator to lead projects focus on immune profiling of alloreactive T cells locally and systemically in patients receiving intestinal transplantation.

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