Donation and Procurement

Wednesday September 16, 2020 from

Room: E-Poster Hall

P-4.49 Minimum incision open donor nephrectomy versus laparoendoscopic single-site donor nephrectomy: A possible safe alternative

Kentaro Ide, Japan

Department of Gastroenterological and Transplant Surgery
Hiroshima University Hospital


Minimum incision open donor nephrectomy versus laparoendoscopic single-site donor nephrectomy: A possible safe alternative

Kentaro Ide1, Masahiro Ohira1, Hiroyuki Tahara1, Hiroshi Morimoto1, Asuka Tanaka1, Hideki Ohdan1, Naoki Tanimine1.

1Department of Gastroenterological and Transplant Surgery, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan

Background: Despite the present use of the laparoscopic technique for living-donor nephrectomy, a search for alternative minimally invasive techniques continues. The aim of this study was to compare minimum incision open donor nephrectomy (MIO-DN) versus laparoendoscopic single-site donor nephrectomy (LESS-DN).
Methods: Data were collected for 50 consecutive MIO-DN patients and a matched cohort of 50 LESS-DN patients. The donor outcomes analyzed included operative time, blood loss, incision length, warm ischemia time, and intraoperative adverse events.
Results: Donor demographics and clinical characteristics were generally similar between treatment groups. A left nephrectomy was preferred in both groups. Patients who received MIO-DN had shorter operative time (2.5 vs 4.0 h; P < .001), smaller surgical incision (5.0 vs 6.2 cm; P < .001). No statistically significant differences were found in blood loss, warm ischemia time, length of stay between the 2 groups. No differences were found in the recipient serum creatinine values or the incidence of delayed graft function.
Conclusions: Our study demonstrated that MIO-DN is a successful and safe alternative versus LESS-DN, providing favorable results for patients in terms of complications and outcomes.


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