Donation and Procurement

Wednesday September 16, 2020 from

Room: E-Poster Hall

P-4.84 Implementation of a national organ matching and data system for Australian solid organ transplantation programs

Rhonda Holdsworth, Australia

National Manager
Transplantation and Immunogenetics
Australian Red Cross Lifeblood


Implementation of a national organ matching and data system for Australian solid organ transplantation programs

Rhonda Holdsworth1, Narelle Watson1,3, Dan Lee1,2, Thuan Tran2, David Childs1, Kate Wilson1, Judy Harrison3.

1Transplantation and Immunogenetics, Australian Red Cross Lifeblood, West Melbourne, Australia; 2Datacom, Datacom, Melbourne, Australia; 3Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation Authority, Australian Government, Canberra, Australia

Introduction: In April 2019 we implemented a national organ matching and data system for the Australian solid organ transplant programs. OrganMatch is a bespoke state of the art AWS Cloud-based application developed in-house to deliver a scalable, highly available and cost-effective solution for solid organ transplantation.
Materials and Methods: OrganMatch uses a rules engine to be able to filter and sort on immunological and demographic parameters to provide best information on transplant compatibility assessment.
Results and Discussion: OrganMatch includes living donor programs, paired kidney donation module and deceased donor testing for all organs. Over a million records of current and historic transplant data from early 1990s were migrated to the new system. A key feature of OrganMatch, enhancing the immunological assessment pre-transplant, is the 4-digit format for HLA typing enabling allele level assessment for matching at all loci and donor specific antibody assessment. OrganMatch can list both acceptable and unacceptable antigens for any recipient – both living and deceased donor supporting a personalised approach and tailoring transplantation opportunities for all patients. OrganMatch provides access for clinical units into the system through a dedicated portal where real time data can be reviewed by clinicians at any time including, HLA typing results, HLA antibody results, match events for deceased donors and ranking of their patients on the transplant waiting list. The clinical portal is further enhanced through a bi-directional communication hub between the laboratories and the clinicians. A donor portal is in development to facilitate donor offers and communication for our DonateLife (organ donation) Agency.
Conclusion: OrganMatch is a world class clinical system managing our national waiting lists for all organs and delivers optimal immunological matching and best practise allocation processes when assessing compatibility for solid organ transplantation.


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