
Wednesday September 16, 2020 from

Room: E-Poster Hall

P-5.11 Influence of promotional strategies for the donation and transplantation of organs, fabrics and cells in the petroleum hospital of Bolivia, 2020

Tatiana Rosario Cruz Jr., Bolivia

Critical care medicine
Intensive Care Unit
Caja petrolera de salud


Influence of promotional strategies for the donation and transplantation of organs, fabrics and cells in the petroleum hospital of Bolivia, 2020

Tatiana Cruz1.

1Intensive Care Unit, HPO, La Paz, Bolivia

Introduction: The scientific and technological advances, at present, have changed  in the benefit of the health of a disease that at another time could have no solution, through medical procedures that allow the replacement of a diseased organ by a healthy one. In Bolivia, there are no promotional strategies that allow the socialization and dissemination of transplant medicine. The objective of this study is to assess the influence of promotional strategies to promote organ donation and transplantation
Materials and Methods: The present study is Analytical, quantitative, cross-sectional, statistical. The objective of this study is to assess the influence of promotion strategies on the insured population to promote the Donation and transplantation of organs at the Petroleum Obrajes Hospital.

Results: Among the results, there is a positive influence in favor of the Donation and transplantation of organs in the insured population, 93% considering it necessary to implement promotional strategies, 93% of the media having the greatest impact, 96% of the insured population did not have information about Organ Donation and Transplantation, finally 66% of the population agreed to donate their organs after death.
Discussion: More than half of the population agreeing to donate their organs despite the different socio-cultural stigmas and lack of education regarding this issue in Bolivia which within the population that would agree would be a therapeutic alternative to an endless number of chronic pathologies that make healing possible today thanks to this alternative, provided it is executed in a strategic and supportive manner.
Conclusion: There is a positive influence on the promotion of organ donation and transplantation in the insured population despite multiple factors of both lack of sociocultural education typical of the Bolivian population, which further encourages health personnel in promoting the dissemination, execution and implementation of Organ Donation and transplantation in Bolivia.

Dr Hans Arauco Director of Petroleum Hospital .


[1] Gonzales D. Differing the organ donation in peru what measures should be implemented to increase it?, March 2015; 24-26
[2] Neciosup V. Organ Donation and Transplantation in Peru, Research Report 83 / 2014-2015, Congress of the Republic, research services area, Lima, November 4, 2014, Peru, [cited 2015 Feb.20]; available at: 3% 93RGANOS_EN_EL_PER% C3% 9A
[3] Bulletin No. 1 of the National Organization for Donation and Transplantation, Donation and Transplantation, Volume 01, February 2010, [cited 2015 Feb.20]; Available at:


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