
Wednesday September 16, 2020 from

Room: E-Poster Hall

P-11.185 Factors associated with post-transplant anemia in Colombian population with kidney transplant between 2007-2015: A case control study




Factors associated with post-transplant anemia in Colombian population with kidney transplant between 2007-2015: A case control study

Eyner Lozano1, David Jaramillo1, Juliana Gallego1, Silvia Perez1, Alejandro Isa1, Shirley Nataly Iza1.

1Morfologia Facultad De Medicina, Universidad Nacional De Colombia, Bogota, Colombia

LineaI de trasplantes facultad de medicina universidad nacional de Colombia.

Introduction and Objectives: Anemia in post-renal transplant patients is a frequent complication which can result in increase of cardiovascular morbidities and graft loss. We studied factors associated with the main risk factors associated with post-transplant anemia in colombian population. 
Materials and Methods: A retrospective observational multi-centric case control study was performed. A total of 111 colombian patients with first-time kidney transplant between 2007-2015 were included. Hemoglobin concentration before and after transplantation at day 7, month 1, month 6, year 1 and 2 were measured. The Odds ratio (OR) for each variable was calculated through multiple logistic regression.  
Results: The prevalence of anemia after 6 months was 22%, and after 12 months 14%. Patients with anemia at 6 and 12 months presented a higher incidence of graft loss (p<0.05). 
No significant statistical correlation was found between the use of immunosuppressive agents or Renin/Angiotensin/Aldosterone system inhibitors and post-trasplant anemia (p>0.05). 
Time in hemodialysis had a strong correlation with PTA at month 6 (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Post-transplant anemia showed a strong correlation with renal function. Additionally, hemodialysis time is a predictor factor for PTA. We emphasize the importance of prompt transplantation and a rigorous surveillance of hemoglobin concentration, and administration of erythropoietin stimulating agents if necessary. No significant statistical correlation was found between the use of immunosuppressants or Renin/Angiotensin/Aldosterone system inhibitors and post-trasplant anemia.


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