Dr. Nobuichiro Yagi, Japan
External validation of current international short- and long-term prognostic models for survival in heart transplant recipients using marginal donor hearts at single Japanese center
Dr. Akihiro Masuzawa, Japan
Transplantation of heart-valve and vascular allografts for cardiovascular surgery: Retrospective analysis of the tissue bank registry data for more than 20 years
Markus J. Barten, Germany
Optimal dosing of cyclosporine and tacrolimus to improve medication adherence and to reduce drug costs after heart transplantation
Dr. Jaideep Vazirani, Australia
Outcomes following extracorporeal photopheresis for chronic lung allograft dysfunction following lung transplantation: A single centre experience
Dr. Jaideep Vazirani, Australia
Scedosporium apiospermum and lomentospora prolificans in lung transplant patients: A single centre experience over 24 years
Omer Koray Hekimoglu, Turkey
Long-term diagnostic analysis of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis after solid organ transplantation: Spectrum of initial and follow-up CT findings