413 - Oral Abstracts Session
Heart and Lung Abstract Session

Tuesday September 15, 2020 | 19:30 to 20:15
Room: Channel 9
Track: Thoracic (Heart & Lung)


Dr. KA LAM WONG, Hong Kong
Emerging roles of left ventricular assist device therapy as bridge to transplant in an Asian city with scarce heart transplant donor

Prof. Binnaz Handan Ozdemir, Turkey
Comparison of pure antibody-mediated rejection with mixed cellular and antibody-mediated rejection in regards to the pathological features, development of cardiac allograft vasculopathy (CAV) and cardiovascular mortality (CVM) in heart transplant patients

Prof. Minoru Ono, Japan
Does body size affect a successful bridge to heart transplantation by long-term continuous-flow ventricular assist device support?

Dr. Mara McAdams DeMarco, United States
Ambient air pollution and waitlist mortality among lung transplant candidates


  • Thank you for your presentation and interesting results. Please comment about the findings regarding smoking history.

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