
Wednesday September 16, 2020 from

Room: E-Poster Hall

P-12.63 TRANSPLANT.NET: on-line monitoring system to follow up solid-organ transplant recipients

Yulia Malinovskaya, Russian Federation

researŅh fellow, hepatologist


TRANSPLANT.NET: on-line monitoring system to follow up solid-organ transplant recipients

Yulia Malinovskaya1, Ksenia Kokina1, Yan Moysyuk1, Kondrashova Lyudmila2, Kargalskaya Irina3.

1Transplantology, MONIKI, Moscow, Russian Federation; 2Interregional Public Organization of Nephrological Patients "NEFRO-LIGA", Moscow, Russian Federation; 3Telemedicine Committee of the All-Russian Union of Patients, Moscow, Russian Federation

The web-based platform that allows to monitor recipients on-line was helpful in circumstances, where patients have no ability to come for follow-ups as frequently as it is required. Because of pandemia telemedicine consultations became not only additional service, but essential tool for monitoring both transplanted end enlisted patients.
The on-line platform TRANSPLANT.NET was created in collaboration with patients organization NEFRO-LIGA. This system allows physician to control the current condition of patients remotely. The surveillance includes: 1) selective control of indicators: temperature, weight, blood pressure, etc., which patients register after measurements;

2) a questionnaire for the presence of subjective symptoms (pruritus, weakness, cough, shortness of breath, nausea, stool  etc.), psychological status and control of depression, which patients evaluate according to the proposed graduation.

Colored graduation allows physician to estimate condition and dynamics quickly. If patient mark any symptom wth high grade of severity, system alarms and advice to consult a doctor;

3) registration of taking medications in accordance with the individual schedule.

Another section of the website is Patient's Library, which includes information about features of the perioperative period, main drugs, adverse effects and lifestyle.
During the 10 months of working with TRANSPLANT.NET 63 patients were connected to this web-platform and become active users. There is a tendency to reduce in the number of errors in medication regimen of immunosuppression. The patients report that availability of actual information about their condition and possibility to be in touch with a doctor on-line reduce anxiety about their condition. Physicians of our center note the improvement of communication with patients and early receiving information about their health problems.
Conclusions: On-line monitoring of solid-organ transplant recipients allows doctors to make timely appropriate decisions about treatment management and also contributes to the accurate execution of doctor's prescriptions by patients. It is an important source can help improve care for patients after transplantation, especially in case of limited resources and isolation.

President`s grant foundation 18-2-008127 .


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