Prof. Susumu Eguchi, Japan
The first case of simultaneous deceased donor liver and kidney transplantation in an HIV/HCV co-infected patient with hemophilia in Japan
Dr. Margot Fodor, Austria
Reassessment of the relevance and predictive value of parameters indicating early graft dysfunction in liver transplantation: A retrospective single center experience
Dr. Masaaki Hidaka, Japan
Does external bile drainage through a T-tube increase the risk of early allograft dysfunction in whole liver transplantation?
Dr. Svetlana Adamcova Selcanova PhD, Slovakia (Slovak Republic)
De novo non-alcoholic fatty liver disease after liver transplantation in small liver transplant centre in Slovakia
Prof. Binnaz Handan Ozdemir, Turkey
Multifactorial effect of hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) on the microscopic regeneration of liver allograft in recipients who underwent transplantation from living donors
Joo Dong Kim, Korea
Technical refinement to prevent hepatic outflow disturbance in right lobe living donor liver transplantation: Simplified one-orifice venoplasty with artificial vascular graft
Joo Dong Kim, Korea
Biliary reconstruction using high biliary radical is safe option for multiple graft bile ducts during right lobe living donor liver transplantation
Dr. Javier Serradilla, Spain
200 living donor liver transplantation in children: Outcomes and results according to indication for transplantation and graft type
Ensi Ma, People's Republic of China
Development of nomogram prediction model for postoperative recurrence of HCC patients undergoing liver transplantation in Chinese population with internal validation
Dr. Li Jianhua, People's Republic of China
AGH score predicts recurrence and response to adjuvant-targeted therapy in HBV related HCC after liver transplantation.
Liver transplantation with neoadjuvant chemoradiation for treatment of unresectable hilar cholangiocarcinoma. An European series.
Dr. Yoshihiro Hirata, India
The impact of middle hepatic vein reconstruction in right lobe living donor liver transplantation, analysis of congestion area of anterior section and portal vein flow volume
Dr. Kyeongdeok Kim, Korea
Hepatitis B immunoglobulin prophylaxis for prevention of de novo hepatitis B infection from hepatitis B core antibody-positive donors
Dr. Masaaki Hidaka, Japan
Effect of pre-transplant sarcopenia on the estimation of the standard liver volume in living-donor liver transplant candidates
Prof. Binnaz Handan Ozdemir, Turkey
Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) prevents the apoptotic and anti-angiogenic effect of hypercholesterolemia on hepatocytes in liver allografts
Dr. Gustavo S Ferreira, Brazil
Portal and arterial reperfusion during liver transplant: A comparison between the simultaneous and sequential techniques
Mr. Haojun Wang, People's Republic of China
Association between donor and recipient gene polymorphisms and risk of new-onset neurological complications after liver transplantation
Fidel Lopez-Verdugo, United States
Living donor liver transplantation and intention to use segmental grafts increases transplant rates and decreases waiting time at a single institution