Education Abstract Session

Wednesday September 16, 2020 from 10:30 to 11:15

Room: Channel 8

482.2 i-DTI: An electronic consultancy platform between professionals in the field of organ donation and transplantation

Estephan Arredondo, Spain

Tissues and Cells Unit
DTI Foundation

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E-DTI: An electronic consultancy platform between professionals in the field of organ donation and transplantation

Estephan Arredondo1, Jordi Colomer1, Chloë Ballesté1, María Paula Gómez1, Carlos López1, Núria Homar2, Martí Manyalich1.

1Tissue for research, DTi Foundation, Barcelona, Spain; 2beHIT, Barcelona, Spain

Background: In 2010 participants in the Madrid Consultation urged the WHO and professionals in the field of organ donation and transplantation (ODT) to meet the health needs of its population in a comprehensive manner1. Currently, less than 10% of the transplant needs are performed and only 0.05% of the worldwide dead population becomes an organ donor2. Donor characteristics may condition transplantation results, inclusion criteria differ according to cause of death, donor management, infections, malignancies, age, pathologies among others3. Meticulous control of the clinical donation process is necessary in order to guarantee a proper graft function. Adequate training of health care professional is a key aspect to increase the organ donation rates4.
DTI Foundation advises and supports health organizations and professionals on the development of ODT5. The development of an online consultancy platform that allows knowledge-exchange between professionals may help to solve doubtfully donation scenarios and to increase the donor's pool.
Objective: Asses the value of an online consultancy platform implementation between health care professionals related to ODT.
Methodology: e-DTI can offer 24/7 medical consultancy related to ODT. e-DTI platform has been developed based on medxat®. The platform includes different areas: a) login registry by email with protocol OAuth; b) evaluation, maintenance or organ transplantation consultancy area; c) frequent questions by using a ChatBot tool. The server database is protected and encrypted with RAS by using cloud technology and the data is sent across a coded channel HTTPS(SSL/TLS).
Results: Since January 2020, e-DTI pilot program has been tested using the international cooperation programs where DTI Foundation is currently collaborating. Professionals from Kerala (India), Davao (Philippines) and Riyadh (KSA) have taken benefit of this tool. e-DTI average response was less than 12 hours in all cases. Customer evaluation score has been 4.7/5.
Conclusions: e-DTI implementation became an efficient tool to support health care professionals in the field of ODT. The tool has an important value to support programs for developing countries with limited access to knowledge. Consequently, more patients can have access for transplantation.

Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS), Kerala, India. Southern Philippines Medical Center (SPMC), Davao, Philippines. King Saud Medical Center (KMCS), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.


[1] Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2011, Last accessed: January 2020
[2] Transplantation, 2019. Last accessed: January 2020
[3] Manyalich M, Guasch X, Paez G, et al ETPOD (European Training Program on Organ Donation): A successful training program to improve organ donation. Transpl Int. 2013.
[4] TPM,2019,Transplant procurement management manual. Barcelona. Spain.
[5] DTI Foundation Last accessed: January 2020

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