P-3 - Poster Session
Cellular and Regenerative Therapies

Wednesday September 16, 2020 |
Room: E-Poster Hall
Track: Cellular and Regenerative Therapies


Miss Alaa Alzhrani, United Kingdom
Mass Cytometry Analysis of the Peripheral Regulatory T cell Compartment after Cellular Therapy in Renal Transplantation

Séverine Bézie, France
Cell therapy using CD8+Tregs in human transplantation

Juewan Kim, Australia
Generation of stable human induced regulatory T-cells requires optimal rapamycin concentration and TCR stimulation

Dr. David Ma, United States
Successful induction of hematopoietic chimerism by MCL-1 and Bcl-2 inhibition without radiation/chemo therapy in nonhuman primates

Dr. Takashi Hamada, Japan
Bile duct reconstruction using scaffold-free tubular constructs created by a Bio-3D Printer for transplantation

Ji-Hua Shi, People's Republic of China
Small-for-size syndrome is characterized with PD-L1 upregulation in macrophage and blocking PD-L1 accelerates liver regeneration

Dr. Leyla Asena, Turkey
Visual rehabilitation after penetrating keratoplasty

Miss Cuixiang Xu, People's Republic of China
Directed differentiation of iPS into imDCs under the action of SN can induce immunoreactivity in vitro

Miss Cuixiang Xu, People's Republic of China
Sinomenine enhances imDC derived from IPS cell-directed differentiation to induce transplant immune hyporesponsiveness in mouse

Mrs. Dilek Dursun Altinors, Turkey
Limbal stem cell transplantation for restoration of the ocular surface health in bilateral limbal stem cell deficiency

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