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Sun Sep 13

00:00 - 01:00 Zoom Virtual Networking Room: Woman Leader in Transplantation Award Winners Cocktail
Lori Jeanne West, Canada
Roslyn B Mannon, United States

Mon Sep 14

07:30 - 08:15 Zoom Virtual Networking Room: The Cell Transplantation and Regenerative Medicine Guided Brunch
Peggy Stock, Germany
08:15 - 10:00 Zoom Virtual Networking Room: MENA region challenges and opportunities for organ donation and transplantation
Marti Manyalich Vidal, Spain
Refaat Kamel, Egypt
Ali Abdul Kareem Al Obaidli, United Arab Emirates
Mohammed Alghonaim, Saudi Arabia
Riadh Fadhil, Qatar
Mohamed Adel Bakr, Egypt
Mustafa S.A. Al-Mousawi, Kuwait
Abdel- Hadi Suleiman Al- Breizat, Jordan
Intissar Haddiya, Morocco
Benyouns Ramdani, Morocco
Omid Ghobadi, Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Antoine Stephan, Lebanon
María Paula Gómez, Spain
Chloë Ballesté, Spain
13:00 - 14:30 Zoom Virtual Networking Room: Presumed Consent - Promise and Pitfalls of Changing Consent Models
Daniela Salomão, Brazil
Matthew J Weiss, Canada
Stephen Beed, Canada
Amanda Lucas, Canada
Beatriz Domínguez-Gil, Spain
Phil Walton, United Kingdom
14:30 - 15:15 Zoom Virtual Networking Room: IPTA 2021 – virtual or live in Prague
Lars Pape, Germany
Mignon McCulloch, South Africa
14:30 - 15:15 Zoom Virtual Networking Room: Transplant Pregnancy Registry International: Discussion of Parenthood after Transplantation
Lisa Coscia, United States
14:30 - 15:15 Zoom Virtual Networking Room: Tacrolimus as the induction agent for low risk kidney transplant leads to comparable graft and patient outcomes and low incidence of infections
Tushar Dighe, India
Anita K. Patel, United States
Atul Mulay, India
15:15 - 16:45 Zoom Virtual Networking Room: The path to a glamorous career in immunogenetics and transplant immunology
Medhat Askar, United States
Hal Gibson, United States
William Hildebrand, United States
Annette M. Jackson, United States
Zahra Kashi, United States
Peter William Nickerson, Canada
Kathryn Tinckam, Canada

Tue Sep 15

06:00 - 08:00 Zoom Virtual Networking Room: Organ Donation and Transplantation in Covid Times - Opportunities to Learn after the First Wave
Haibo Wang, People's Republic of China
Sang II Kim, Korea
María Paula Gómez, Spain
Rose Marrie Liquete, Philippines
Marco Sacchi, Italy
Pedro Ventura, Spain
Marián Irazábal Jaimes, Spain
Maria Theresa L. Bad-ang, Philippines
Rodrigo Lopez Falcony, Mexico
Vivek Kute, India
Katayoun Najafizadeh, Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Mohammed Alghonaim, Saudi Arabia
Ali Abdul Kareem Al Obaidli, United Arab Emirates
Dorry Segev, United States
Reginaldo Boni, Brazil
Peter S. Macdonald, Australia
Patrick Coates, Australia
Gabriel E. Gondolesi, Argentina
Massino Cardillo, Italy
13:00 - 14:30 Zoom Virtual Networking Room: Women in Transplantation - Pillar 1 (Advancing & Inspiring Women Transplant Professionals) Networking Event
Christine Falk, Germany
Anita Chong, United States
13:00 - 14:30 Zoom Virtual Networking Room: Exosomes and other Extracellular Vesicles in Transplant Tolerance
William J. Burlingham, United States
Gilles Benichou, United States
Charles Egwaugu, United States
Adrian E. Morelli, United States
Lesley Smyth, United Kingdom
Jeremy Sullivan, United States
14:30 - 15:15 Zoom Virtual Networking Room: IPITA Educational Modules
Pablo Uva, Argentina
Antonio Citro, Italy
Hanne Scholz, Norway
Shadab Abadpour, Norway
Thierry P. S. Berney, Switzerland
Hussein Khambalia, United Kingdom
Matthew Cooper, United States
Jon S. Odorico, United States
Raja Kandaswamy, United States
15:15 - 15:45 Zoom Virtual Networking Room: Interview and Q&A with Plenary Speakers Beatriz Dominguez-Gil and Vivek Kute
Vivek Kute, India
Beatriz Domínguez-Gil, Spain
22:00 - 23:30 Zoom Virtual Networking Room: Women in Transplantation - Pillar 2 (Championing Issues of Sex & gender in Transplantation) Networking Event
Germaine Wong, Australia
Bethany J. Foster, Canada
23:30 - 00:00 Zoom Virtual Networking Room: Interview and Q&A with Plenary Speakers Alan Ashworth and Inish O'Doherty
Alan Ashworth, United States
Inish O'Doherty, United States

Wed Sep 16

06:00 - 07:00 Zoom Virtual Networking Room: Global perspective in transplant nursing education
Moderator/ Speaker
Yaprak Sarıgöl Ordin, Turkey
06:00 - 08:00 Zoom Virtual Networking Room: New Technologies Applied to Organ Donation
Estephan Arredondo, Spain
1. Telemedicine platforms 8 am (CEST)
Jordi Colomer, Spain
08:15 - 08:45 Zoom Virtual Networking Room: Interview and Q&A with Plenary Speaker Charles MacKay
Charles MacKay, Australia
13:00 - 14:00 Zoom Virtual Networking Room: Women Leaders in Developing and developed countries and their role in enhancing organ donation and transplantation
Marcelo Cantarovich, Canada
14:30 - 15:15 Zoom Virtual Networking Room: Mucormycosis in Transplant: Urgent need for early identification and improving treatment outcomes
Ninad Deshmukh, India
Vrishali Patil, India
14:30 - 15:15 Zoom Virtual Networking Room: The Cell Transplantation and Regenerative Medicine Guided Brunch
Peggy Stock, Germany
15:00 - 15:30 Zoom Virtual Networking Room: Interview and Q&A with Plenary Speaker Shohini Ghose
Shohini Ghose, Canada
15:15 - 15:45 Zoom Virtual Networking Room: Interview and Q&A with Plenary Speakers Claudia Kemper and Ronald Evans
Claudia Kemper, United States
Ronald M. Evans, United States
15:15 - 16:45 Zoom Virtual Networking Room: Exploring the use of performing arts for public outreach and education
Brian Schwartz, United States
Dave Odde, United States
Sunil Shroff, India
Sharmila Rao, Switzerland
Gayatri Muthukrishnan, Switzerland
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