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P-10 - Poster Session
Intestine and Multivisceral Transplantation

Room: E-Poster Hall
Track: Intestine and Multivisceral Transplantation


Dr. Hamed Nikoupour, Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Surgical management of intestinal failure: Initial experiences from an intestinal failure, rehabilitation and transplant unit in Iran

Dr. Hamed Nikoupour, Iran (Islamic Republic of)
A detailed analysis of the current status of intestinal transplantation in the Middle East

Ms. Maria V Gentilini, Argentina
More than 10 years of survival after intestinal transplant at a single center in Latin America, and its correlation with NOD2 mutations

Mariana Doeyo, Argentina
Comparison of two novel formulas to predict parenteral nutrition discontinuation in adults with Type III intestinal failure

Alba Bueno, Spain
Long-term evolution of a medical-surgical unit for intestinal rehabilitation

Mariana Doeyo, Argentina
RESTORE project (impRovEunderSTanding of small bOwelsyndRomE in Argentina): Follow-up report of a prospective, observational, epidemiological, multicenter study of adult patients with short gut syndrome in Argentina

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