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Sun Sep 13

22:00 - 23:30 Workshop Session: An Overview of Organ-Specific Transplantation in Children (diagnoses, procedures, outcome)
Discussion and Q&A
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202.2 Liver
Winita Hardikar, Australia
202.1 Kidney
Katherine Twombley, United States
202.3 Thoracic
Jonathan Johnson, United States
202.4 Pediatric Intestinal Transplantation
George V. Mazariegos, United States

Mon Sep 14

00:15 - 02:00 State-of-the-Art Session: Technique for Minimizing Complication
221.3 Bile duct: Achilles heel
Kenneth Siu Ho Chok, Hong Kong
221.2 Hepatic artery: Micro-world
Mureo Kasahara, Japan
221.1 Hepatic vein and portal vein: Major in and out
Shin Hwang, Korea
00:15 - 02:00 State-of-the-Art Session: Expanding the Donor Pool, Pushing the Limits
222.2 Use of DCD organs in heart and lung transplant
Gregory I Snell, Australia
222.1 Use of HCV positive organs into HCV negative recipients
David Goldberg, United States
222.3 Transplant outcomes from older donors > Age 60
Colleen L. Jay, United States
00:15 - 02:00 State-of-the-Art Session: Inhaling the Evidence (Lung)
223.1 Increasing allograft utilization and redefining marginality (to include discussion on Hep C, ischaemic time and Ex-situ perfusion)
Alejandro Mario Bertolotti, Argentina
223.2 Surgical strategies for pulmonary hypertension (Allows discussion on surgical strategy of access options/ ON-CPB / ON-ECMO/ Off Pump and post transplant ECMO support)
Jasleen Kukreja, United States
223.3 Survivorship in lung transplantation (there is a constant need to reinforce that the surgical component alone is only a small step in the transplant process)
Hilary J. Goldberg, United States
07:30 - 08:15 Oral Abstracts Session: Clinical Trials in Pediatric Transplantation
252.2 Steering of transplant immunosuppression by virus-specific T cells: A randomized controlled trial (IVIST trial)
Thurid Ahlenstiel-Grunow, Germany
252.4 Prospective non-randomized open label trial comparing outcome of open versus robotic pediatric kidney transplant at single centre
Dhruv B Patel, India
252.3 “First-in-human” clinical trial employing adoptive transfer of autologous thymus-derived treg cells (thytreg) to prevent graft rejection in heart-transplanted children
Esther Bernaldo-de-Quiros, Spain
08:15 - 10:00 State-of-the-Art Session: Evidence-Based Teaching
260.1 Cognitive sciences based design of engaging training programs for transplant professionals
Margaret Hay, Australia
260.2 Ethical principles for transplant professionals: How do we teach that?
Dominique Martin, Australia
260.3 Future transplant surgeons: How do we train them?
Abul Siddiky, United Kingdom
08:15 - 10:00 State-of-the-Art Session: Banff 2019 Update for Allograft Rejection
262.1 Liver (morphology)
Andrew Clouston, Australia
262.4 Kidney (molecular)
Carmen Lefaucheur, France
262.3 Kidney (morphology)
Hyeon Joo Jeong, Korea
262.2 Liver (molecular phenotyping)
Alberto Sanchez-Fueyo, United Kingdom
13:00 - 14:30 Workshop Session: Specific Challenges in Pediatric Transplantation
277.1 Research in paediatric transplantation
Stephen Alexander, Australia
Dr. Alexander Q&A discussion (4 minutes)
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277.2 Transition
Lars Pape, Germany
277.3 Adherence
Bethany J. Foster, Canada
277.4 Steroids and growth
Ryszard Grenda, Poland
14:30 - 15:15 Oral Abstracts Session: Biomarkers and Omics
281.3 Single cell transcriptomic analysis for a better understanding of human CD8+ regulatory T cells
Céline Serazin, France
281.1 Transplantation of older organs transfers senescence
Jasper Iske, Germany
281.5 (P-2.125 in Journal) TCR repertoire sequencing of total T cells and circulating follicular helper T cells in kidney transplant recipients
Patricia Almendro Vázquez, Spain
281.2 Diagnosis of kidney transplant rejection by tracking donor-reactive T-cell clones in the post-transplant biopsy, blood and urine samples
Joseph R. Leventhal, United States
15:15 - 17:00 State-of-the-Art Session: Kidney Transplantation: The borg and beyond
290.1 The repair shop: Our current opportunities in improving the quality of kidneys
Sarah Hosgood, United Kingdom
290.2 A reality check - kidney organoids: What to expect in the next 10 years
Benjamin Humphreys, United States
290.3 Artificial intelligence in renal transplantation: core concepts, examples, limits and perspectives
Olivier Niel, Luxembourg
15:15 - 17:00 State-of-the-Art Session: Social Media for Scientists
291.3 Impact of social media on research dissemination
Carla C. Baan, Netherlands
291.1 Introduction and creating networks
Frank JMF Dor, United Kingdom
291.2 Healthcare and patient education
Macey L. Henderson, United States
15:15 - 17:00 State-of-the-Art Session: Donation in Middle Income Countries: Challenges to be overcome in the next 5 years
292.1 What is the current involvement and support from the governments in the different TTS regions and what needs to changed in order to reach self-sufficiency?
Curie Ahn C Ahn, Korea
292.2 Role of intensivists / ICU specialists, how to have them more involved?
Rafael Badenes, Spain
292.3 Successful models of DOD in developing countries
Katayoun Najafizadeh, Iran (Islamic Republic of)
23:30 - 00:15 Oral Abstracts Session: Experimental and Preclinical Immunosuppression
312.2 Targeting inflammatory monocytes by immune-modifying nanoparticles prevents acute kidney allograft rejection
Christina Lai, Australia
312.4 ABO self-tolerance in a mouse model: Evidence of tolerance at B cell but not T cell level
Ibrahim Adam, Canada
312.1 Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) and granulocyte-macrophage CSF (GM-CSF) administration enriches for highly suppressive CD4+CD45RA-Foxp3hi cells in leukapheresis products of rhesus monkeys
Kazuki Sasaki, United States
312.3 Carfilzomib and lulizumab-based desensitization prolongs allograft survival in sensitized non-human primates kidney transplantation model
Jean Kwun, United States
23:30 - 00:15 Oral Abstracts Session: Advances in Liver and Intestinal Transplantation in Children
313.2 Ionizing radiation exposure review in children with intestinal failure
Ana c Grasso, Argentina
313.4 Significance of sarcopenia in infants with pediatric liver transplantation for biliary atresia
Masahiro Takeda, Japan
313.1 Should steatotic livers be transplanted into pediatric recipients?
Malcolm MacConmara, United States
313.3 Marginal livers have excellent outcomes in pediatric patients with metabolic liver disease
Christine Hwang, United States

Tue Sep 15

06:00 - 07:30 Workshop Session: TTS-ELPAT Joint Workshop on Cutting Edge in Transplant Ethics
342.2 Overcoming the Challenge of Finding a Living Donor
Emma K. Massey, Netherlands
342.4 Organ recycling: is this the future?
David M. Shaw, Switzerland
342.1 Should we abandon the term brain death?
Dale Gardiner, United Kingdom
342.3 Extremes in living organ donation
Frank JMF Dor, United Kingdom
07:30 - 08:15 Oral Abstracts Session: Deceased Organ Donation
352.1 Predicting time to death after withdrawal in controlled donation after circulatory death (DCD) donors : A comparison of 100 DCD lung transplant (LTx) donors versus 59 potential DCD donors that did not progress
Bronwyn Levvey, Australia
352.3 Settling the difference: Analysis of kidney graft function discordance at transplant from deceased donor paired kidneys
Essa Abuhelaiqa, Qatar
352.2 Impact of explant biopsy assessments and kidney allocation on outcomes of expanded criteria donor kidney transplants versus standard criteria donor kidney transplants in an Asian transplant program
Yun Ting Yap, Singapore
352.4 Development of Thai Kidney Donor Profile Index (KDPI) and Estimated Post Transplant Survival (EPTS) score for predicting outcome after deceased donor kidney transplantation: Report from Thai Transplant Registry in conjunction with Thai Red Cross
Nuttasith Larpparisuth, Thailand
08:15 - 10:00 State-of-the-Art Session: The Future is Now… Immune Regulation in Transplantation
360.1 The Regulation of Immune Tolerance by FOXP3 - basic
Ling Lu, People's Republic of China
360.2 Intragraft immune regulation protects transplants under sub-therapeutic immunosuppression
Paloma Riquelme, Germany
James Alexander Hutchinson, Germany
360.3 Clinical experience of Treg therapy
Fadi Issa, United Kingdom
13:00 - 14:45 Workshop Session: Global Strategies for Facilitating Ethical Practices in Organ Transplantation
377.4 Developing programs in resource constrained areas – Vietnam
Richard Allen, Australia
377.3 Organ transplantation for refugees: The Latin American case
Alejandro Niño Murcia, Colombia
377.5 Combating paid donation in India
Vivek Kute, India
377.8 Strategies for increasing deceased donation in Iran
Seyed Ali Malek Hosseini, Iran (Islamic Republic of)
377.6 Combating paid donation in the Philippines
Benita Padilla, Philippines
377.1 Resident minorities Access to organ donation and transplantation – Middle-East
Riadh Fadhil, Qatar
377.2 Non-resident access to transplantation and impact on local lists – Europe
Beatriz Domínguez-Gil, Spain
377.7 Transplanting the undocumented in the USA
Peter G. Stock, United States
14:30 - 15:15 Oral Abstracts Session: Graft allocation and Other Key Topics in Pediatric Kidney Transplantation
382.3 Association of graft survival with tacrolimus exposure and late intra-patient tacrolimus variability in pediatric and young adult renal transplant recipients
Caner Suesal, Germany
382.1 Access to kidney transplantation for minority children with end-stage renal disease and predictors of outcomes (presented by Robyn Matloff)
Robyn Matloff, United States
382.4 Pulsatile perfusion in pediatric kidney transplantation
Christine Hwang, United States
15:15 - 17:00 State-of-the-Art Session: How to Deal with Hepatocellular Carcinoma
390.3 Post-LT: optimal immunosuppression and follow-up
Nancy Kwan Man, Hong Kong
390.1 Pre-LT: down-staging and optimal selection
Kim M. Olthoff, United States
390.2 Intra-LT: how to improve oncologic outcomes
Elizabeth A. Pomfret, United States
390.4 Liver Tx for cholangiocarcinoma
Julie K. Heimbach, United States
15:15 - 17:00 State-of-the-Art Session: Novel Insights in Allorecognition
391.2 T-cell allorecognition
Gavin Pettigrew, United Kingdom
391.3 Non-HLA allorecognition and graft loss
Roman Reindl-Schwaighofer, Austria
391.1 Innate allorecognition
Fadi G. Lakkis, United States
15:15 - 17:00 State-of-the-Art Session: How Sex Impacts Post-Transplant Course
392.2 Sex differences in infection risks and vaccine responses
Deepali Kumar, Canada
392.1 Sex differences in cancer risk post-transplant
Anna Buxeda, Spain
392.3 Sex and the heart: Major cardiovascular events in transplantation
Darshana Dadhania, United States
22:00 - 23:30 Workshop Session: TTS-ISHLT Joint Symposium: Capacity Building in Transplantation: Meeting Challenges Through Global Partnership
402.3 Establishing ethical and legal standards – From organ trade to presumed consent
Wendy Rogers, Australia
402.2 DCD in heart and lung transplantation – Is there a need for a global standard?
Kumud K Dhital, India
402.4 Emerging programs - Dealing with the challenges of a global pandemic
Saima Aslam, United States
402.1 Collaborative models of organ allocation in an era of populism
Howard J. Eisen, United States
23:30 - 00:15 Oral Abstracts Session: Living Organ Donation
411.3 When length becomes less: Minimum renal artery length required in left laparoscopic live donor nephrectomy
Anant Kumar, India
411.1 Impact of extended living donor criteria on donor safety in living donor liver transplantation
Joo Dong Kim, Korea
411.2 Evolution of right laparoscopic nephrectomy: Report of a tertiary care center in Mexico
411.4 Determination of type 2 diabetes mellitus risk in potential living kidney donors: A single center protocol and experience
Golnaz G Friedman, United States

Wed Sep 16

00:15 - 02:00 State-of-the-Art Session: Preventable Infections - An Ounce of Prevention...
420.2 Screening and decolonization of MDROs pre-transplant: Is there a role?
Stephanie Pouch, United States
420.1 Respiratory viruses - Impact on our recipients
Michael G. Ison, United States
420.3 Keeping the fungi out of the transplant ward
Monica Slavin, Australia
06:00 - 07:30 Workshop Session: Global Ethical Issues
441.2 Organ donation after euthanasia
Diethard Monbaliu, Belgium
441.3 Ethical issues in xenotransplantation and stem cell trials
Ian D. Dittmer, New Zealand
441.4 Ethical issues involved with informed consent for living donors
Guia Crisostomo-Tan, Philippines
441.1 Ethics and the social network in transplantation
Elmi Muller, South Africa
06:00 - 07:30 Workshop Session: Unique Aspects of Organ Donation and Assessment in Pediatric Transplantation
442.1 Risks for the living donor
Michael Kaabak, Russian Federation
442.2 Culture and religious perspectives
Jun Oh, Germany
442.4 ABO- and HLA- Incompatible transplantation
Seiichiro Shishido, Japan
442.3 Challenges of small paediatric donors
Nam-Joon Yi, Korea
08:15 - 10:00 State-of-the-Art Session: A Kidney for Life: A goal for all practitioners
460.1 A look at the long-term surviving patient: What makes them so exceptional?
Germaine Wong, Australia
460.2 Chronic allograft injury: CAN CAN be fixed?
Dirk R. J. Kuypers, Belgium
460.3 Anti-body mediated rejection: Consensus on treatment?
Roslyn B Mannon, United States
13:00 - 14:30 Workshop Session: CMV - What's New
477.3 New risks for CMV in solid organ and stem cell transplant recipients
José Maria Aguado, Spain
477.1 New drugs against an old foe
Francisco M Marty, United States
477.2 Immune monitoring
Camille Nelson Kotton, United States
14:30 - 15:15 Oral Abstracts Session: Education Abstract Session
482.4 The efficiency of educational courses for increasing organ donation rates; The IrOSS experience
Marzieh Latifi, Iran (Islamic Republic of)
482.1 Analysis of the effects of coordinator mental health management program
Kyungsook Jang, Korea
482.2 i-DTI: An electronic consultancy platform between professionals in the field of organ donation and transplantation
Estephan Arredondo, Spain
482.3 Save lives! Say yes! Increasing donor designation rates through targeted, demographic specific public education: Turning opportunity into outcomes
Betsy Edwards, United States
15:15 - 17:00 State-of-the-Art Session: Paediatric Transplantation Around the World
491.1 Paediatric kidney transplantation around the world
Mignon McCulloch, South Africa
491.2 Cost Effective Immunosuppressive Medications Around the World
Katherine Twombley, United States
491.3 Variety of vaccine preventive paediatric infectious diseases around the world
Lara Danziger-Isakov, United States
15:15 - 17:00 State-of-the-Art Session: Declaration of Istanbul Issues
493.1 Global organ trafficking registry
Patrick Coates, Australia
493.2 What is wrong with de Global Kidney Exchange Program
Alexander M. Capron, United States
493.3 The MAIN obstacle to increase organ transplantation in Africa
Elmi Muller, South Africa
493.4 The MAIN obstacle to increase organ transplantation in the Middle-East
Refaat Kamel, Egypt
493.5 The MAIN obstacle to increase organ transplantation in Latin America
Maria A. Matamoros, Costa Rica
493.6 The MAIN obstacle to increase organ transplantation in Asia
Sanjay Nagral, India
493.7 The MAIN obstacle to increase organ transplantation in Europe
Axel Rahmel, Germany
493.8 Final Remarks and Panel Discussions
Alejandro Niño Murcia, Colombia


Poster Session: Education
P-5.11 Influence of promotional strategies for the donation and transplantation of organs, fabrics and cells in the petroleum hospital of Bolivia, 2020
Tatiana Rosario Cruz Jr., Bolivia
P-5.08 Effectiveness of a structured sub-maximal stress test for screening asymptomatic post-organ transplant recipients before safe return to sports competition
Ka-Foon Chau, Hong Kong
P-5.12 Measuring the relationship between subjective health literacy and access to kidney transplantation among chronic renal patients in Eastern Hungary
Anita Barth, Hungary
P-5.14 Knowledge and attitude towards organ donation and transplantation among a sample of Iraqis in the city of Baghdad
Ala Ali, Iraq
P-5.03 TPM training program in tissue banking & advanced therapies: A 15-year experience
Chloë Ballesté, Spain
P-5.04 Survey on leadership, management, quality and innovation in organ procurement for the self-sufficiency in organ donation of the one belt & one road area
Marti Manyalich Vidal, Spain
P-5.07 KeTLOD Bridge : Scholarships for facilitating the transfer of knowledge and leadership in organ donation and transplantation from Europe to China (2018-2019)
Chloë Ballesté, Spain
P-5.15 Dance as a medium to educate and make comprehensible the biology of allotransplant rejection
Pranitha Kamat, Switzerland
P-5.06 Transformative learning in pharmacy education: A paradigm shift for training transplant pharmacists
Sayamon Sukkha, Thailand
P-5.01 Eliminating patient controlled analgesia reduces opioid use in renal transplant recipients
Marisa E Schwab, United States
Poster Session: Paediatrics
P-13.06 1 -year protocol biopsies in pediatric kidney transplant children: Are unfavorable histological lesions related to no adherence?
Marta Lidia Monteverde, Argentina
P-13.10 Addition of pre transplant Rituximab to plasma exchange in FSGS children undergoing kidney transplantation
Marta Lidia Monteverde, Argentina
P-13.24 Paediatric Lung Transplantation (pLTx) in Australia: Small patients in a big country
Belinda J Bourne, Australia
P-13.23 Successful preemptive kidney transplantation with simultaneous bilateral nephrectomy in young infants with congenital nephrotic syndrome
Lan Zhu, People's Republic of China
P-13.18 CT based sarcopenia assessment & frailty scores are better than PELD in predicting early morbidity and mortality after paediatric live donor liver transplantation
Sugi R V Subramaniam, India
P-13.07 Comprehensive analysis of 40-year experience in pediatric kidney transplantation
Chris T Chung, Korea
P-13.19 Kidney transplantation in children weighing 15 kg or less: Technical challenges and outcome in a single center
Okjoo Lee, Korea
P-13.21 Long-term survival of kidney transplants in pediatric patients with nephronophthisis
Jiyoung Kim, Korea
P-13.29 Clinical course of Schimke immuno-osseous dysplasia after kidney transplantation
Hyun Ah Woo, Korea
P-13.13 ABO-incompatible pediatric liver transplantation: Experience of 122 procedures at a single center
Irina E. Pashkova, Russian Federation
P-13.22 Blood levels of insulin like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and growth hormone associate with liver function and 6 month survival after pediatric liver transplantation
Rivada Kurabekova, Russian Federation
P-13.16 The effects of long term eplerenone treatment in pediatric renal transplant patients
Esra Baskin, Turkey
P-13.17 Risk factors and outcomes of urinary tract infections after pediatric renal transplant
Esra Baskin, Turkey
P-13.20 Outcomes of renal transplantation in children with cystinosis
Esra Baskin, Turkey
P-13.25 Clinical impact of complement deposition findings on biopsies in acute rejection episodes of pediatric renal transplant patients
Esra Baskin, Turkey
P-13.30 Succesfully kidney transplantation in pediatric patient with inferior vena cava stent
Behlul Igus, Turkey
P-13.02 Significance of antibody clearance, treatment and pathology findings in antibody mediated rejection in pediatric kidney transplant recipients on 1 year outcomes: Preliminary findings from the PARAMOUr “PediAtric Renal AMr Outcomes” study
Katherine Twombley, United States
P-13.14 Extracorporeal photopheresis: Treatment for steroid resistant rejection in pediatric liver transplant recipients
Julie Depper, United States
P-13.28 The growth and impact of pediatric donation in the United States
Thomas Nakagawa, United States

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