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Sun Sep 13

22:00 - 23:30 Workshop Session: Design of Xenotransplantation Clinical Trials
201.3 Encapsulated islets
Shinichi Matsumoto, Japan
201.1 Cornea
Chang Ho Yoon, Korea
201.2 Naked islets
Kwang-Won Kim, Korea
201.4 Kidney
Alfred Joseph Tector, United States
23:30 - 00:15 Oral Abstracts Session: Innate and Adaptive Immunity
211.1 Gasdermin-D mutation is protective against renal ischemia reperfusion injury
Jennifer Li, Australia
211.5 (P-2.74 in Journal) Oral administration of nano-sized silicon particles attenuates oxidative stress and ischemia-reperfusion injury in a rat model: A novel hydrogen administration method
Masataka Kawamura, Japan
211.3 Modulation of the IL-33/ST2 axis for regulatory T cell therapy in transplantation
Kento Kawai, United Kingdom
211.4 Development of fully differentiated pancreatic organoids from hiPSCs for type 1 diabetes cell therapy
Giuseppe Pettinato, United States

Mon Sep 14

00:15 - 02:00 State-of-the-Art Session: Tissue-Resident Lymphocytes
220.1 Formation and plasticity of tissue resident memory populations in human allografts revealed by single cell analysis and serial TCR sequencing
Megan Sykes, United States
220.2 Antigen presentation by tissue resident APC
Adrian E. Morelli, United States
220.3 Reshaping T cell memory with lymphoablation
Anna Valujskikh, United States
07:30 - 08:15 Oral Abstracts Session: Immune Regulation and Outcomes
251.2 Discovery of pMHC epitopes for directly alloreactive T cells
Eric Taeyoung ES Son, Australia
251.3 The Prediction of Kidney Allograft Acute Rejection Based on Recipient Peripheral Blood Whole Transcriptome Profiling and Three mRNA Molecular Signatures
Liao Minxue, People's Republic of China
251.4 Myeloid derived suppressor cells (MDSC) in kidney recipients: Identification of CD25+eMDSC, and augmentation of monocytic-MDSC early after transplantation in patients later developing cancer
Alberto Utrero-Rico, Spain
251.1 Elucidating the role of hypoxia in regulatory T cell function
Marie Sion, United Kingdom
13:00 - 14:30 Workshop Session: What is the Ideal Pig for Xenotransplantation? / Carl-Gustav Groth Xeno Prize
276.1 Are remaining xeno-antigens relevant?
Alfred Joseph Tector, United States
276.2 The ideal modified pig, how many genes are necessary?
Eckhard Wolf, Germany
276.3 Do we need to address p?hysiologic incompatibilities
David K. C. Cooper, United States
276.4 Xeno-organ growth: myth or reality?
Matthias Längin, Germany
276.5 Presentation of the Carl-Gustav Groth Xeno Prize to Joachim Hundrieser
Agnes Azimzadeh, United States
14:30 - 15:15 Oral Abstracts Session: Xenotransplantation Abstract Session
283.1 Worldwide first finalized study of preclinical life-supporting orthotopic pig-to-baboon cardiac xenotransplantation (XT): Constant reproducible 3-months-survival up to half a year meets the ISHLT guidelines for first clinical trials
Paolo Brenner, Germany
283.2 Prolonged survival and attenuated pulmonary vascular resistance rise in a multitransgenic pig ex vivo lung xenoperfusion model
Margaret Connolly, United States
283.3 Prolonged survival of genetically modified pig livers during machine perfusion with human blood
Taylor Coe, United States
283.4 Humanized von Willebrand factor reduces platelet sequestration in pig xenogeneic lung perfusion and pig-to-primate lung transplantation
Margaret Connolly, United States
15:15 - 17:00 State-of-the-Art Session: Islet Transplantation Up-to-Date
293.3 The role of extracellular matrix for successful islet transplantation
Ekaterine Berishvili, Switzerland
293.1 Overview of islet transplantation
Camillo Ricordi, United States
293.2 Islet transplantation and inflammation
Maria Koulmanda, United States
23:30 - 00:15 Oral Abstracts Session: Experimental and Preclinical Immunosuppression
312.2 Targeting inflammatory monocytes by immune-modifying nanoparticles prevents acute kidney allograft rejection
Christina Lai, Australia
312.4 ABO self-tolerance in a mouse model: Evidence of tolerance at B cell but not T cell level
Ibrahim Adam, Canada
312.1 Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) and granulocyte-macrophage CSF (GM-CSF) administration enriches for highly suppressive CD4+CD45RA-Foxp3hi cells in leukapheresis products of rhesus monkeys
Kazuki Sasaki, United States
312.3 Carfilzomib and lulizumab-based desensitization prolongs allograft survival in sensitized non-human primates kidney transplantation model
Jean Kwun, United States

Tue Sep 15

06:00 - 07:30 Workshop Session: Regulation of Xenotransplantation
341.4 Update on the Changsha Communiques
Wayne J. Hawthorne, Australia
341.2 Regulation in China
Shaoping Deng, People's Republic of China
341.1 Regulation in Korea
Ivo Kwon, Korea
341.3 Regulating Safety: what’s new?
Linda Scobie, United Kingdom
07:30 - 08:15 Oral Abstracts Session: Kidney Transplantation: Ischemia/reperfusion injury and long-term graft outcomes
350.1 Role of IL-6 and IL-17 mediated inflammation amplifier loop in Chronic Antibody-Mediated Rejection (CABMR)
Mantabya Kumar Singh, India
350.2 A biocompatible nanoparticle-based approach to inhibiting renal ischemia reperfusion injury in mice by blocking thrombospondin-1 activity
Tianmeng Sun, People's Republic of China
350.4 Impact of acute kidney injury on graft outcomes in deceased donor kidney transplantation: A nationwide registry-based matched cohort study in Korea
Jane Ha, Korea
350.5 (P-2.81 in Journal) A point mutation of SHROOM3 promotes CD206+ macrophage infiltration and kidney fibrosis after ischemia-reperfusion injury
Tianfeng Tang, People's Republic of China
14:30 - 15:15 Oral Abstracts Session: Immune Regulation and Tolerance I
381.4 Single cell immune profiling of human intestinal allografts reveals heterogeneity and alloreactivity of recipient resident memory T cells in association with graft outcomes
Jianing Fu, United States
381.1 Treg use the PD-1-PD-L1 axis for lymphatic transendothelial migration
Wenji Piao, United States
381.2 Donor liver plasmacytoid dendritic cells promote effector T cell exhaustion and augment Treg responses in mouse spontaneous liver transplant tolerance
Ryosuke Nakano, United States
381.3 Lymph node stromal laminin alpha 5 regulates adaptive immunity
Lushen Li, United States
14:30 - 15:15 Oral Abstracts Session: Stem Cell Transplantation and Xenotransplantation
384.2 Quantifying the immune response to tissue engineered extracellular matrix
Ryaan EL-Andari, Canada
384.1 Simple Limbal Epithelial Transplantation (SLET) in a patient with limbal stem cell deficiency
Dilek Dursun Altinors, Turkey
384.3 Successful long-term TMA- and rejection-free survival of a kidney xenograft with triple xenoantigen knockout plus insertion of multiple human transgenes
David Ma, United States
384.4 Evidence for GTKO/β4GalNT2KO pigs as the preferred organ-source for old world monkeys as a preclinical model of xenotransplantation instead of triple-knockout pigs
Takayuki Yamamoto, United States
23:30 - 00:15 Oral Abstracts Session: Cell and Novel Therapies
412.1 Human mesenchymal-stem-cells derived exosomes play important roles in enhancing CB-treg suvival and functional stability
Juan Zhang, People's Republic of China
412.3 Targeting CD4+ T cell metabolism provides an effective and age-specific immunosuppression
Yeqi Nian, People's Republic of China
412.2 Phase 2 study design evaluating efficacy, safety, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the anti-CD40 monoclonal antibody CFZ533 (iscalimab) in de novo liver transplant recipients: The CONTRAIL I study
Björn Nashan, Germany
412.4 Long-term follow-up of a phase 2 clinical trial to induce tolerance in living donor renal transplant recipients
Joseph R. Leventhal, United States

Wed Sep 16

07:30 - 08:15 Oral Abstracts Session: Immune Regulation and Tolerance II
451.3 PD-L1 / PD-1 interactions are critical for tolerance induction in primed skin graft recipients following liver-directed MHC class I gene transfer
Mario L Leong, Australia
451.2 Identification and isolation of human HLADR+ CD27+ Treg as xeno-antigen Treg subset for xenotransplantation
Xiaoqian Ma, People's Republic of China
451.1 Transient antibody targeting of CD45RC to prevent the development of acute graft versus host diseases
Carole Guillonneau, France
451.4 CTLA-4-Ig prolongs graft survival specifically in young but not in old recipients
Jasper Iske, Germany
08:15 - 10:00 State-of-the-Art Session: Recent Breakthroughs in Xenogeneic Tissue and Organ Transplantation
462.1 Heart
Paolo Brenner, Germany
462.3 Islets
Chung-Gyu Park, Korea
462.4 Cornea
Mee Kum Kim, Korea
462.2 Kidney
Kazuhiko Yamada, United States


Poster Session: Basic and Translational Sciences
P-2.02 B-cell depletion with anti-CD20 mAb exacerbates anti-donor CD4 positive T-Cell responses in highly sensitized transplant model
Asuka Tanaka, Japan
P-2.03 Noninvasive genotyping of donor’s HLA in kidney transplant patients by target capture sequencing
Liu Feng, People's Republic of China
P-2.04 Clinical significance of pretransplant donor-specific HLA antibodies in kidney transplant recipients of hispanic population
Idalia Parra-Avila, Mexico
P-2.05 Female complexity: High ‘natural’ ABO anti-A antibodies and IgG class switch in female vs male mice
Bushra Anjum, Canada
P-2.10 Immune reconstitution after autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in multiple myeloma patients as a basis for early vaccination with T-cell dependent vaccines
Igor Stoma, Belarus
P-2.11 Imbalance favouring follicular helper T cells over IL10+ regulatory B cells is detrimental for the renal allograft
Alberto Utrero-Rico, Spain
P-2.13 Extracellular vesicles from urine as biomarkers of kidney allograft injury: optimization of extracellular vesicle isolation and characterization
Ivana Sedej, Slovenia
P-2.14 Establishment of early warning model of acute rejection in combination with HLA-G 14-bp gene polymorphism, serum KIM-1and OPN
Zhankui Jin, People's Republic of China
P-2.15 Immunosuppression affects circulating follicular regulatory T cells in kidney transplant recipients
Carla C. Baan, Netherlands
P-2.16 The use of dd-cfDNA as a predictive tool for future proteinuria
Thierry Viard, United States
P-2.17 Characterization of an integrative prognostic score for US patients taken from the DART study
Thierry Viard, United States
P-2.18 dd-cfDNA as a risk factor for initiating de-novo donor specific antibodies in heart transplantation
Thierry Viard, United States
P-2.19 Factors influencing background cell-free DNA levels: Implications for donor derived cell-free DNA assessment in transplant patients
Trudy McKanna, United States
P-2.20 Anti-rejection therapy does not eliminate donor-reactive IFN-γ and IL-21 producing cells
Nicole M. van Besouw, Netherlands
P-2.22 Use of dd-cfDNA as a surrogate marker of injury following hypothermic machine perfusion
Thierry Viard, United States
P-2.23 Establishment of early diagnostic model of acute rejection in combination with IL-2, IL-6, TNF-α and IFN-γ
Zhankui Jin, People's Republic of China
P-2.24 Incidence and risk factors of new onset diabetes after solid organ transplantation: Baskent University experience
Didem Turgut, Turkey
P-2.25 Value of dd-cfDNA when considering recipient ethnicity to further to help risk stratify transplant recipients
Thierry Viard, United States
P-2.26 Long-lasting effects of anti-rejection therapy on natural antibodies and alloreactive T cells in kidney transplant patients
Nicole M. van Besouw, Netherlands
P-2.27 Podocyte-specific urinary extracellular vesicles: A novel biomarker for recurrent primary focal segmental glomerulosclerosis after kidney transplantation
Hien Lau, United States
P-2.29 The relationship between myocardial fibrosis and plasma level of galectin-3 in heart transplant recipients underwent acute rejection
Rivada Kurabekova, Russian Federation
P-2.30 Do the blood groups and HLA types have a role in end stage chronic renal failure pathogenesis? A comparative retrospective single-center study
Ugur Musabak, Turkey
P-2.31 Immune signs of accommodation in kidney transplant recipients
Maciej Zieliński, Poland
P-2.32 Spot urine protein excretion during the first year after kidney transplantation associates with allograft rejection phenotype at 1-year surveillance biopsies: An observational national-cohort study
Miha Arnol, Slovenia
P-2.33 The utility of QuantiFERON monitoring based assay in assessing clinical events among kidney transplant recipients
Maisarah Jalalonmuhali, Malaysia
P-2.36 Early post-transplant infusion of ex vivo-expanded autologous polyclonal regulatory T cells (Treg) prolongs kidney allograft survival in nonlymphodepleted, CTLA4Ig-treated rhesus monkeys<span class="uk-margin-small-right" uk-icon="video-camera"></span>
Kazuki Sasaki, United States
P-2.37 IL-21 as a new target for immunosuppressive therapies
Carla C. Baan, Netherlands
P-2.38 The small-molecule BCL6-inhibitor 79-6 suppresses follicular T helper cell differentiation and plasma blast formation
Rens Kraaijeveld, Netherlands
P-2.39 Intra-lymph node delivery of macroparticles loaded with rapamycin in non-human primates
Zahra Habibabady, United States
P-2.40 Clinical-experimental experience with rapamycin in visceral transplantation
Javier Serradilla, Spain
P-2.41 The effects of a novel drug, PQA 18, on small intestinal transplantation
Tasuku Kodama, Japan
P-2.45 Cyclic helix B peptide ameliorates renal fibrosis induced by unilateral ureter obstruction via inhibiting NLRP3 pathway
Cheng Yang, People's Republic of China
P-2.47 The preventive effect of sirolimus on ureteral stricture formation
Sanem Cimen, Turkey
P-2.49 Primate tolerance model demonstrates longer kidney graft survival with the administration of polyclonal ex-vivo expanded Tregs
Karina Bruestle, United States
P-2.50 IL-4 regulates the secretion of IL-10 by human B cells
Griffith Perkins, Australia
P-2.51 Immunomodulation with SA-PDL1 protein on pancreatic islets promotes indefinite graft survival in allogeneic recipients
Esma ESY Yolcu, United States
P-2.53 Anti-IL-6 antibody reduces endothelial mediated pro-inflammatory responses and after binding of HLA-specific DSA to endothelial cells
Nuala Mooney, France
P-2.54 Preclinical study for tolerance induction to liver allografts with rapid immunosuppression withdrawal in Cynomolgus monkeys
Hiroshi Sakai, United States
P-2.55 Strong engagement of Cd137 suppresses graft-versus-host disease through dendritic cells
Sang Jun Park, Korea
P-2.59 The requirement of thymic irradiation for induction of mixed chimerism and renal allograft tolerance in non-human primates
Takayuki Hirose, United States
P-2.60 Experimental evidence on the role of the spleen in graft versus host disease after visceral transplantation
Pablo Stringa, Argentina
P-2.61 Comparison between vitamin C-treated induced-regulatory T cells and conventional induced-regulatory T cells in suppressing heart allograft rejection in either vitamin C-sufficient or vitamin C-deficient conditions
Juhee Hwang, Korea
P-2.62 Advantages of rhesus macaques in a tolerance model for combined bone marrow and kidney transplantation
Karina Bruestle, United States
P-2.63 siRNA gene knockdown with functionalised porous silicon nanoparticles
Sebastian O Stead, Australia
P-2.66 Class II HLA eplet mismatch is related to anti-donor CD4+ T cell response and de novo donor-specific antibody development in kidney transplantation recipient
Hiroaki Yamane, Japan
P-2.70 Changes in phenotype of human CD4+CD25+CD127lo Treg subpopulations after culture with rIL-2 and alloantigen
Nirupama D Verma, Australia
P-2.73 Mobilization of mast cells and regulatory t-cells by tetrahydrobiopterin is associated with prolonged allograft survival
Manuel Maglione, Austria
P-2.82 INT 767 – A novel dual farnesoid-X receptor (FXR) and takeda G-protein-coupled receptor-5 (TGR5) agonist attenuates intestinal ischemia reperfusion injury
Emilio Canovai, Belgium
P-2.84 High-mobility group box 1 protein antagonizes the immunosuppressive capacity and therapeutic effect of mesenchymal stem cells in acute kidney injury
Cheng Yang, People's Republic of China
P-2.85 Mesenchymal stem cell-derived exosomes suppress of NLRP3 inflammasome activation to enhance anti-anoxic ability of porcine islets
Wei Nie, People's Republic of China
P-2.95 A novel rodent model of severe renal ischemia reperfusion injury that better mimics the renal transplant recipient
Ryan Ghita, United Kingdom
P-2.96 Ischemic preconditioning ameliorates renal ischemia-reperfusion injury through activating the Nrf2/HO-1 pathway enhanced autophagy in mice
Jeongkye Hwang, Korea
P-2.99 In-depth assessment of ischemia/reperfusion injury in a murine model of hindlimb transplantation
Franka Messner, Austria
P-2.103 Ischemic preconditioning attenuates renal ischemia-reperfusion injury by TLR4 suppression and eNOS activation
Jeongkye Hwang, Korea
P-2.104 The impact of oxygen free radical scavenger on acute rejection in a histocompatible miniature swine model
Philipp Tratnig-Frankl, United States
P-2.105 The tissue Common Response Module (tCRM) score provides a quantitative objective biopsy score to assess the severity of pancreas transplant rejection
Yvonne Kelly, United States
P-2.107 Increased level of serum cholesterol and apoptosis together induces the development of liver fibrosis and early allograft loss
Binnaz Handan Ozdemir, Turkey
P-2.108 Analyzing interactions between donor endothelium and recipient blood under flow conditions in vitro
Margaret Connolly, United States
P-2.113 Influence of β-Catenin on the proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells and the development of cardiac allograft vasculopathy in mice
Christian Heim, Germany
P-2.115 Recipient bone marrow Treg; major players in transplant tolerance
Amy Prosser, Australia
P-2.116 High-fibre diet reduces transplant-associated dysbiosis and improves renal allograft survival in a murine model of kidney allograft rejection
Julian Singer, Australia
P-2.119 Gut microbiome dynamics over a course of kidney transplantation: Preliminary results of a pilot study
Igor Stoma, Belarus
P-2.121 Characterization of donor and recipient myeloid cells following congenic and allogeneic liver transplantation
Sarah J Dart, Australia
P-2.122 Preparation of transplantable acellular scleral graft using porcine eye
Kyungmee Park, Korea
P-2.123 Preparation of ultra-thin descemet's membrane graft using decellularized porcine cornea
Kyungmee Park, Korea
P-2.124 NK cell exhaustion facilitates tumor recurrence after liver transplantation via the TLR4 / HLA-E signaling pathway
Xinxiang Yang, People's Republic of China
P-2.126 Assessment of HLA typing performance of Korea Biobank Array for transplantation genome-wide association study in Koreans
Young Jin Kim, Korea
P-2.129 A genome-wide association study identified genetic loci for end-stage renal disease in the Korean population
Young Jin Kim, Korea
P-2.130 Vascular endothelial growth factor (vegf) 936 C/T gene polymorphism in renal transplant recipients: Association with graft rejection and final graft outcome
Manzoor Parry, India
P-2.131 Lymphotoxin beta receptor regulates Treg stability, migration, and function
Vikas Saxena, United States
P-2.133 Liver tissue-resident lymphocytes are significantly heterogeneous, and the original repertoire is not recreated by infiltrating recipient cells
Amy Prosser, Australia
P-2.137 Ischemic and perfused kidney treated with non-cultured adipose-derived regenerative cells increase the immune and regulatory transcriptome
Ryan Ghita, United Kingdom
Poster Session: Xenotransplantation
P-21.01 Identification of a novel subset of xeno-antigen specific memory CD4+Foxp3+Tregs in islet-xenotransplant tolerance
Leigh Nicholson, Australia
P-21.19 Selection of immunosuppressive drugs for Cord blood derived xenoantigen-stimulated Treg
he xing, People's Republic of China
P-21.11 Microcapsule against hypoxia showed longer graft survival than microcapsule against fibrosis in diabetic mice receiving GalT-KO porcine islet transplantation
Eun Young Lee, Korea
P-21.15 Serological cytokine changes in nonhuman-primate recipients after porcine cardiac xenotransplantation
Hee Jung Kang, Korea
P-21.17 Pre-clinical results of porcine islet re-transplantation after first porcine islet transplantation in rhesus monkeys
Jong-Min Kim, Korea
P-21.20 Selected sequences of porcine elongation factor 1 alpha promoter lead to significant upregulation of target gene responding to human serum induction in porcine cells
Keon B Oh, Korea
P-21.14 CD177 on swine cells suppresses xenogeneic macrophage-mediated cytotoxicity
Pei-Chi Lo, Taiwan
P-21.02 Lack of human thrombomodulin gene expression in life supporting pig-to-baboon cardiac xenotransplantation models may accelerate antibody mediated rejection
Corbin Goerlich, United States
P-21.03 Expression of human thrombomodulin gene on genetically engineered pig hearts prolong cardiac xenograft survivals in non-human primates
Avneesh Singh, United States
P-21.05 Comparison of minimally ischemic cardiac preservation techniques to overcome Perioperative Cardiac Xenograft Dysfunction (pcxd) in life-supporting cardiac xenotransplantation model
Corbin Goerlich, United States
P-21.07 Beta4GalKO reduces anti-non Gal antibody binding in pig-to-baboon and pig-to-human lung transplantation models
Lars Burdorf, United States
P-21.08 Genetic modifications of the porcine genome regulate inflammatory and coagulation responses during ex-vivo porcine liver perfusion with human blood
Nikolaos Serifis, United States
P-21.09 Community perceptions and attitudes towards xenotransplantation in preparation for clinical trials
Luz A Padilla, United States
P-21.10 Survival Benefit of Pig-to-Baboon Liver Xenotransplantation Utilizing Genetically Modified Swine
Taylor Coe, United States
P-21.12 Presence of graft-infiltrating regulatory T cells are associated with long term cardiac xenograft survival in non-human primate
Avneesh Singh, United States
P-21.13 Genetic modifications attenuate but don’t abrogate the sialoadhesin-dependent adhesion of human RBC to porcine macrophages
Kaitlyn Petitpas, United States
P-21.16 New world monkeys as models for testing triple-knockout (TKO) pig red blood cell or skin transplants
Takayuki Yamamoto, United States
P-21.18 Xenogeneic lung perfusion using GalTKO.hCD46 lungs expressing hTFPI and hCD47
Lars Burdorf, United States

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